Tip Tuesday :: How NOT to Win This Valentine's Day!
It is no surprise that there are plenty of people out there telling you what to do … or buy …for your Valentine's Day! We thought we would take the unconventional route and give you some tips on what NOT to do this Valentines Day. We just want to save you a few Facebook friends and make sure you aren't making the single person next to you feel like they can't wait until February 15th!
1 :: Do NOT forget to make a reservation. In fact, if you don't have one – take a break from reading this blog and pick up the phone. Your date with thank you and we don't even need any credit for the reminder!
2 :: We also recommend that you let Valentine's be an excuse to spruce up a bit – that means you need to leave the t-shirt at home. Especially any that might look like this. Your hand-holding will say enough, there is no need for the bold type.
3 :: These just might be a little much too for others to handle. Couple NERD ALERT!
4 :: We definitely approve (perhaps encourage) a Facebook post of you and your honey… but 10 photos like this, might lead to some 'defriending'. As we always say – keep it simple, no need for the clutter!
But most importantly, do NOT forget to tell everyone on your list that you LOVE them!
the NEAT girls