Goodbye Summertime Sadness
Is anyone else getting sick of Lana Del Rey's Summertime Sadness song? Summer just wasn't that sad for the NEAT girls, in fact it was quite happy. However, we are also finding a lot of joy in welcoming Fall, especially when it comes to cleaning out our closets!
Below are 4 simple steps to make room for your new fall favorites ::
1. Donate/consign unused pieces :: Take a good look through your summer clothing as you pull it out of your closet. Are there things you never even thought about wearing? If you didn't wear it all this season, you likely won't get any use out of it next year either!
2. Wash before storing :: Now that you have separated out what is staying, make sure it is all washed and thoroughly dried. There is nothing worse than pulling out your favorite top from last season and realizing the small stain you missed has totally set in.
3. Purchase storage containers :: Now that you can see all that you need to store, you can accurately determine what container(s) are needed for storage. The Container Store's Clear Storage Boxes provide a lot of size options depending on what storage space you are working with. Any cool space that doesn't have direct exposure to sunlight will do!
4. Replenish closet with fall staples :: And now you have plenty of room for those new boots you have had your eye on!
Oh and if don't live in an area where you are blessed with Fall weather, you have our Florida and San Diego girls' sympathy. Now…go light a pumpkin spiced candle and get to work cleaning out your closet!
the NEAT girls